Books Publishing Company: What Services Do They Offer And Are They Worth It?

If you're an author looking to publish a book, you may have come across Amazon Book Publishing Agency. But what exactly is it, and are their services worth it? First, let's break down what Books Publishing Company offers. Essentially, they provide a range of services for authors looking to self-publish their work on Amazon. These services include editing, formatting, cover design, marketing, and distribution.

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Editing is a crucial part of the book publishing process. Amazon Book Publishing Agency offers a team of professional editors who can help authors refine their manuscripts for grammar, style, and structure. They also offer copyediting, which involves checking for spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.

Formatting is another important aspect of self-publishing. Books Publishing Company can format your manuscript for both print and e-book versions, ensuring that your book looks professional and is easy to read.

Cover design is also important when it comes to attracting potential readers. Amazon Book Publishing Agency offers a team of graphic designers who can create a cover that is eye-catching and relevant to your book's genre

Marketing is perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of self-publishing. Amazon Book Publishing Agency offers a range of marketing services, including book promotions, social media marketing, and email marketing. They also assist with building an author platform and establishing an online presence.

Marketing is perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of self-publishing. Amazon Book Publishing Agency offers a range of marketing services, including book promotions, social media marketing, and email marketing. They also assist with building an author platform and establishing an online presence.

Finally, Books Publishing Company offers distribution services, including making your book available on Amazon's website and in their global distribution channels.

Now, the question remains: are these services worth it? The answer, of course, depends on your individual needs and goals as an author. Here are some factors to consider:

Time and resources

Suppose you're short on time or lack the resources to handle editing, formatting, cover design, marketing, and distribution on your own. In that case, Books Publishing Company can save you a lot of hassle.


Self-publishing can be expensive, especially when it comes to marketing and distribution. Amazon Book Publishing Agency offers competitive pricing for their services, but it's important to consider whether the cost is within your budget.

Experience and expertise

If you're new to self-publishing, it can be helpful to work with a team that has experience and expertise in the industry. Books Publishing Company has a proven track record of success when it comes to helping authors self-publish their books on Amazon.

Services Offered by Books Publishing Company

Books Publishing Company offers a range of services that can make self-publishing your book on Amazon a smoother and more professional process. Whether their services are worth it for you depends on your individual needs, goals, and budget. If you're considering self-publishing, it may be worth exploring what Books Publishing Company has to offer.

Services Offered by Books Publishing Company

Books Publishing Company offers a range of services that can make self-publishing your book on Amazon a smoother and more professional process. Whether their services are worth it for you depends on your individual needs, goals, and budget. If you're considering self-publishing, it may be worth exploring what Books Publishing Company has to offer.

The Advantages Of Using An Online Book Publishing Service Over Traditional Publishers

If you are an aspiring author, you have probably considered publishing your book. The traditional publishing process can be intimidating, time-consuming, and expensive. However, with the rise of online book publishing services, self-publishing has become an accessible and attractive option for many authors. This article will explore the advantages of using an online book publishing service over traditional publishers.


One of the most significant advantages of using an online book publishing service is cost savings. Traditional publishers typically require authors to pay for editing, formatting, cover design, printing, and distribution. This can add up to tens of thousands of dollars, and there is no guarantee that your book will even be accepted for publication.

In contrast, online book publishing services like custom Amazon book publishers offer affordable packages that include editing, formatting, cover design, and distribution. This means that you can publish your book for a fraction of the cost of traditional publishers.


Another advantage of using an online book publishing service is speed. Traditional publishing can take months, if not years, from the time you submit your manuscript to the time your book is published. This can be frustrating for authors who want to get their work out into the world quickly.
Online book publishing services can publish your book in a matter of weeks or months. This means that you can get your book out into the world faster and start building your audience.


When you work with a traditional publisher, you give up a lot of control over your book. The publisher may dictate the content, cover design, pricing, and marketing strategy. This can be frustrating for authors who have a clear vision for their book and want to retain control over the final product.
With online book publishing services, you retain complete control over your book. You can choose the content, cover design, pricing, and marketing strategy. This means that you can create a book that truly reflects your vision and values.


Traditional publishers are often looking for books that fit within specific genres or niches. If your book doesn't fit neatly into one of these categories, it may be challenging to find a traditional publisher who is willing to take a chance on it.
Online book publishing services are more flexible and open-minded. They are willing to consider a wide range of genres and topics, which means that you have a better chance of finding a publisher who is interested in your work.


Finally, online book publishing services offer a wider reach than traditional publishers. Traditional publishers typically only distribute books through bookstores and libraries. Online book publishing services, on the other hand, distribute books through online retailers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
This means that your book has a much larger potential audience. It also means that you can sell your book in multiple formats, including paperback, ebook, and audiobook.

The Benefits Of Investing In A Self-Published Book Marketing Service

Self-publishing a book can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it's important to remember that publishing is just the first step. Once your book is published, it's up to you to make sure people know about it. This is where a self-published book marketing service can be invaluable. Here are some of the benefits of investing in a self-published book marketing service:

Targeted Marketing Strategies

Self-published book marketing services specialize in helping authors promote their books to the right audience. They use targeted marketing strategies to ensure that your book reaches the people who are most likely to be interested in it. This can help you save time and money by focusing your marketing efforts where they will be most effective.

Professional Marketing Materials

A self-published book marketing service can help you create professional marketing materials that will make your book stand out. This can include things like press releases, book trailers, and social media graphics. By investing in professional marketing materials, you can increase your book's visibility and credibility.


Marketing your book can be a time-consuming process, and as an author, your time is valuable. By hiring a self-published book marketing service, you can free up time to focus on writing and other aspects of your career. A professional marketing team can handle the marketing tasks for you, allowing you to focus on what you do best - writing.

Increased Book Sales

The ultimate goal of book marketing is to increase book sales. A self-published book marketing service can help you achieve this goal by promoting your book to a wider audience. They can help you get your book in front of book reviewers, bloggers, and book clubs, as well as on social media platforms and other online bookstores. This can help increase your book's visibility and ultimately lead to more sales.


Self-published book marketing services can be a cost-effective way to promote your book. They often offer packages that include a variety of marketing services, which can be more affordable than hiring individual professionals for each task. Additionally, investing in marketing services is an investment in your career as an author, which can pay off in the long run with increased book sales and a more extensive fan base.


Self-publishing your book through online book publishing services like Books Publishing Company Agency offers many advantages over traditional publishing. These advantages include cost savings, faster publishing times, greater control over the final product, more flexibility in terms of genre and topics, and a wider potential audience. Investing in a self-published book marketing service can also be beneficial for authors who want to promote their books effectively. Ultimately, deciding to self-publish and which services to use depends on an author's needs, goals, and budget.

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Your royalties are paid directly into your bank account. We don’t take any of your royalties. Your royalties will be NET, and the royalty fee will be charged by the outlet that sold your book: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.

Yes, you get to choose your ink quality, paper weight and book size. We send you a list to choose from at the start of your publishing journey. Your book size is fixed once the book has been formatted. You are free to change your paper weight and ink quality at any time in the dashboard that is created for you.

This depends on the publishing plan you sign up for. When you sign up for our most comprehensive plan, you will be plugged into one of the publishing industry’s largest global book distribution networks, including access to over 40+ top publishing platforms, independent bookstores, online stores, chain stores, eBook retailers, etc.

This depends on the publishing plan you sign up for. When you sign up for our most comprehensive plan, you will be plugged into one of the publishing industry’s largest global book distribution networks, including access to over 40+ top publishing platforms, independent bookstores, online stores, chain stores, eBook retailers, etc.

You keep 100% of your copyright, and you own your book and all associated rights entirely – that’s what separates our service apart from others. The sales and distribution accounts are set up in your name.

There are no hidden costs. All prices are quoted at the start of the publishing process.

You have complete control over setting the retail price of your book, so you are free to charge as little or as much as you like. We guide you on this aspect as part of our publishing service.

The average turnaround time is 4 to 8 weeks, but this is not guaranteed in all cases. Generally, the quicker you are in sharing your feedback and approval of our work, the quicker we can get your book published.

We use PDF proof copies of the book as they are faster and more cost-effective.

You can order as many copies of your book as you like, but they are charged at cost price. This means you are just charged purely for the printing and shipment cost of the books you order.

This is handled through the Print on Demand facility of the publishing platforms where we publish your book. For example, if someone orders a book on Amazon, Amazon’s Print-on-Demand facility prints and distributes the book to the customer and you are paid your royalty.

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