Build Your Online Presence: Tips For Creating A Professional Author Website With An Author Website Builder

As an author, having a professional online presence is crucial for connecting with readers and promoting your work. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by creating an author website. However, the idea of building a website from scratch can be daunting for many authors, especially those who have little to no experience in web development. This is where an author website builder comes in.

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This blog post will discuss tips for creating a professional author website using an author website builder.

Choose the right website builder

The first step in creating a professional author website is to choose the right website builder. Many website builders are available, each with strengths and weaknesses. Look for a website builder that is easy to use, affordable, and offers features that are specifically tailored to the needs of authors. Some popular options include WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace.

Select a professional design

Once you have chosen a website builder, the next step is to select a professional design for your website. Many website builders offer a variety of templates and themes that you can use as a starting point. Look for a clean, modern design and easy to navigate. Use only a few colors or fonts, as this can make your website look cluttered and unprofessional.

Include essential pages

Your author's website should include several essential pages, including a homepage, an About page, a Contact page, and a Blog page. Your homepage should introduce your work and provide links to your books or other published materials. Your About page should provide information about yourself and your writing background. Your contact page should include a contact form or email address so that readers can reach out to you. Finally, your blog page should include updates about your writing, book reviews, and other relevant content.

Optimize for search engines

To ensure that your author's website reaches a broader audience, it's important to optimize it for search engines. This involves using keywords and metadata to help search engines like Google and Bing understand what your website is about. Use keywords that are relevant to your work and include them in your website's content, titles, and descriptions. You can also use a plugin or tool like Yoast SEO to help optimize your website for search engines.

Update your website regularly

Finally, updating your author's website regularly is important to keep it fresh and relevant. This means adding new content, updating information, and responding to comments or emails from readers. A regularly updated website will also help improve your search engine rankings, as search engines tend to favor periodically updated websites.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Book Cover Designing Service

If you're an author, you know the importance of having a great book cover design. A book cover is the first thing a potential reader sees, and it can make or break whether they decide to pick up your book. But how do you ensure that you're getting the most out of your book cover designing service? Here are some tips to help you get the best book cover for your book.

Communicate your vision clearly

One of the most important things you can do when working with a book cover design service is clearly communicated your vision. You know your book better than anyone else, so it's important to give the designer as much information as possible. Share your ideas and inspiration for the book cover, and be specific about what you like and don't like. The more information you can provide, the better the designer will be able to create a book cover that meets your expectations.

Trust the designer's expertise

While it's important to communicate your vision clearly, it's also important to trust the expertise of the book cover designer. They have experience creating book covers that sell, and they know what works and what doesn't. Be open to their suggestions and ideas, and be willing to let them make changes if they think it will improve the book cover.

Constructively provide feedback

When you receive the initial book cover design, it's important to provide feedback in a constructive way. Be specific about what you like and don't like, but also be open to suggestions for improvement. Remember that the designer wants to create a book cover that you're happy with, so work together to make the necessary changes.

Consider your target audience

When working with a book cover designing services, it's important to consider your target audience. Who are you trying to reach with your book? What will appeal to them? Make sure that the book cover design reflects the genre of your book and will attract the readers you're targeting.

Don't skimp on quality

While it may be tempting to choose a cheaper book cover designing service, remember that you get what you pay for. A high-quality book cover design can make all the difference in whether your book sells or not. Choose a reputable book cover designing service with a portfolio of successful book covers, and be willing to invest in a high-quality design.

Plan ahead

Finally, it's important to plan ahead when working with a book cover designing service. Book cover designs can take time, so make sure you're giving the designer plenty of time to create a great design. Rushing the process can result in a subpar book cover, so plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time to get the best possible scenario for your book.

Top Considerations for Choosing the Best Book Printing Service

When it comes to self-publishing your book, one of the most important decisions you'll make is choosing the best book printing service. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Here are some top considerations to help you choose the best book printing service for your needs.

Quality of Printing

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a book printing service is the quality of their printing. You want your book to look professional and be of high quality, so make sure the printing service uses top-notch printing technology and high-quality materials.

Types of Books Offered

Another important consideration is the types of books offered by the printing service. Some services specialize in certain types of books, such as hardcovers, softcovers, or photo books. Make sure the service you choose offers the type of book you're looking to print.

Printing Costs

Printing costs can vary widely depending on the printing service you choose. Look for a service that offers competitive pricing and transparent costs. Keep in mind that the cheapest option may not always be the best, as lower prices may mean lower quality.

Customization Options

If you're looking to create a unique book, customization options are important to consider. Look for a printing service that offers customization options such as different paper types, cover designs, and binding options.

Turnaround Time

When you're ready to print your book, you want it done quickly and efficiently. Make sure the printing service you choose has a reasonable turnaround time and can meet your deadlines.

Customer Reviews

One of the best ways to get an idea of the quality of a book printing service is to read customer reviews. Look for reviews from other authors who have used the service to get an idea of their experiences and satisfaction with the printing service.

Customer Support

Finally, it's important to consider the level of customer support offered by the printing service. Look for a service that offers reliable and responsive customer support via phone, email, or live chat.

Considering these factors, you can make an informed decision when choosing the best book printing service for your needs. Remember, the quality of your book depends on the quality of the printing service, so choose wisely.


Creating a professional online presence as an author is crucial for connecting with readers and promoting your work. An author website builder can help make the process easier, and it's important to choose the right website builder, select a professional design, including essential pages, optimize for search engines, and update your website regularly. When working with a book cover designing service, it's important to communicate your vision clearly, trust the designer's expertise, provide constructive feedback, consider your target audience, and invest in a high-quality design. Finally, when choosing a book printing service, consider the printing quality, types of binding and paper options available, turnaround time, and cost. Keeping these tips in mind can help you make the best decisions for your book and help it succeed in the competitive publishing world.

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Your royalties are paid directly into your bank account. We don’t take any of your royalties. Your royalties will be NET, and the royalty fee will be charged by the outlet that sold your book: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.

Yes, you get to choose your ink quality, paper weight and book size. We send you a list to choose from at the start of your publishing journey. Your book size is fixed once the book has been formatted. You are free to change your paper weight and ink quality at any time in the dashboard that is created for you.

This depends on the publishing plan you sign up for. When you sign up for our most comprehensive plan, you will be plugged into one of the publishing industry’s largest global book distribution networks, including access to over 40+ top publishing platforms, independent bookstores, online stores, chain stores, eBook retailers, etc.

This depends on the publishing plan you sign up for. When you sign up for our most comprehensive plan, you will be plugged into one of the publishing industry’s largest global book distribution networks, including access to over 40+ top publishing platforms, independent bookstores, online stores, chain stores, eBook retailers, etc.

You keep 100% of your copyright, and you own your book and all associated rights entirely – that’s what separates our service apart from others. The sales and distribution accounts are set up in your name.

There are no hidden costs. All prices are quoted at the start of the publishing process.

You have complete control over setting the retail price of your book, so you are free to charge as little or as much as you like. We guide you on this aspect as part of our publishing service.

The average turnaround time is 4 to 8 weeks, but this is not guaranteed in all cases. Generally, the quicker you are in sharing your feedback and approval of our work, the quicker we can get your book published.

We use PDF proof copies of the book as they are faster and more cost-effective.

You can order as many copies of your book as you like, but they are charged at cost price. This means you are just charged purely for the printing and shipment cost of the books you order.

This is handled through the Print on Demand facility of the publishing platforms where we publish your book. For example, if someone orders a book on Amazon, Amazon’s Print-on-Demand facility prints and distributes the book to the customer and you are paid your royalty.

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